The truest touching of souls, upon gazing into the eyes of another,
brings a new meaning to your perception of beauty....
and you cry out in joy, not because you found it,
but because you found a mirror that shows it....
Lover or friend, terms that define a relationship but that do not define the soul..
Is there a difference aside from physical intimacy.
Is there a difference between an embrace and a handshake,
Not if either is done correctly.
Both can be sensual and both can be cold,
But neither can be denied for all that,
As all are just thoughts floating free in the ocean of your mind.
Trim the mainsail, hoist the anchor and begin the adventure...

Find a mirror in every glance, and you will find your true romance,
Not in those far apart, but in the chambers of your own heart.
We are alive! We are here! We are now. What more do we need....
But to love ourselves....

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